Confusion Over Pollard Ad


In reference to the full-page ad (Jewish Week, Jan. 14) in support of clemency for Jonathan Pollard, and requesting that readers call the White House every day to express that support, please be advised that the ad was paid for by Concerned Friends of Jonathan Pollard, and coordinated by the National Council of Young Israel.

Through an unfortunate error, the ad that was placed and printed was not the correct and intended ad. The printed ad went further than the wording of the letter to President Obama that called for the release of Jonathan Pollard, which was signed by more than 500 religious and communal leaders, including the leadership of the Reform movement.
While the Clemency for Pollard activists appreciate the support of the Reform movement and the involvement of their leadership, the ad on which their names appeared was not shown to them or approved by them.
We regret the error.

Executive Vice President
National Council of Young Israel
