Promoting Rockland


Thank you for Steve Lipman’s article about the Jewish Federation of Rockland County’s efforts to promote Rockland County, N.Y., as a place that is welcoming to young Jewish families (“Rockland Outreach Facing Demographic, Image Challenges,” June 17).

The Jewish Week coverage was thorough and thoughtful, portraying our county as one with a vibrant Jewish life and much to offer Jews hoping to find an affordable home not far from the city.

While we have focused on the more liberal Jewish streams of Judaism, we want to emphasize that Shalom Rockland Day was a hit among Jews of all streams and affiliations, including those not connected at all. We could not have been more pleased. Our efforts are aimed at keeping Jewish Rockland diverse and inclusive.

Shalom Rockland Day may well have ended, but its spirit continues and plans for our next event are underway. Moving incentives are still available ( And of course, we hope people will come visit. After all, we are closer than you think.

Co-Chairs, Shalom Rockland
