Bring Them Home


Thank you for your excellent editorial regarding the latest delays in bringing the remaining Ethiopian Jews to Israel (“Why The Delay In Ethiopian Jewish Aliyah?” Dec. 30).

I would like to raise my voice to cry out at the injustice of this delay, at the discrimination of this delay and at the sorry excuses the Jewish Agency has created.

“A possible shortage of beds” for incoming Ethiopians at Israeli absorption centers as a reason for cutting numbers admitted each month from a meager 200 to a paltry 110?

As you note, this would extend completion of the aliyah until March 2015, rather than March 2014 as promised over and over again.

Every Jew everywhere should stand behind the rapid fulfillment of Israel’s promises to our fellow Jews in Ethiopia. Bring these Jews home now. We are speaking of only 4,500 people. Admit them this year, 2012. Surely Israel has faced greater obstacles than “a possible shortage of beds.” Israel seems to again be exhibiting a possible shortage of just and moral behavior regarding the Ethiopian Jewish community. I say shame on Israel. Shame on the Jewish Agency.

Palo Alto, Calif.
