Taking A Step Back


I would like to express my gratitude to The Jewish Week for publishing William Rapfogel’s timely opinion piece, “When Jewish Foundations Ignore Core Needs” (Jan. 20). Finally, one of the leaders in the Jewish world went on a limb to discuss the unfortunate philosophies and practices of some foundations ignoring the plight of the impoverished Jewish population.

As the executive director of The Blue Card, the only nonprofit national Jewish organization that provides direct financial assistance to destitute Holocaust survivors, I agree with Rapfogel that funding poor people is just not “sexy” enough for foundations that have come to favor “cutting-edge and funky” projects.

I strongly believe that we are taking a step back when it comes to doing the right thing of funding programs based on communal needs and not on latest trends.

We are now marking the 100th birthday of Raoul Wallenberg, the Swedish diplomat who saved many Jews during the Holocaust. Wallenberg sacrificed his life to save the Jews during the Holocaust, and he wasn’t even Jewish.

What does that say about us as a community when we neglect the less fortunate among us?

Executive Director, The Blue Card
