Hackers Threaten Go Wipe Israel Off Internet


Hackers threatened to remove all traces of Israel from the Internet and accused it of crimes against humanity on the same day that it crashed the Central Intelligence Agency's website.

The hacker group Anonymous released a video on YouTube Feb. 10 on which it said that "For too long we have tolerated your crimes against humanity and allowed your sins to go unpunished. The video accused Israel of fomenting "a nuclear Holocaust," and stated that "we will not allow you to attack a sovereign country based on a campaign of lies," a reference to the current standoff with Iran over its nuclear capabilities.

The group said in the statement that is has a three-step plan to destroy Israel, which will start with "systematically removing Israel from the Internet."

The group took credit for taking down the CIA's public website on Feb. 10. It was up and running again the following day.

The attack reportedly did not access any sensitive information from the government agency.

The threats against Israel come after a month in which Israel and pro-Palestinian hackers have been attacking each other's websites.
