Grateful For Hospice Care


Kudos to Rabbi Charles Rudansky for his Opinion essay, “To Hope: Hospice Care in Line with Jewish Tradition” (Jan. 17). It immediately rekindled my appreciation for the rabbi and the
palliative care and hospice teams. Both my parents were patients in the
program(s), and were fortunate to receive the compassion, dignity, and care
that they did. They were warmed in their hearts by visits from Rabbi
Rudansky, and the he shared many special occasions with my parents and
family while they were in his care.

There is a quote in the article: “The
goal of both Jewish palliative care and hospice is to ensure that a network
of support is in place for the patient.” … I would like to add that the
support is there not only for the patient, but also for the other family members
as well. We all benefited in terms of medical care, physical comfort, and and
spirituality from our involvement in the program. We were so fortunate to
be embraced by Rabbi Rudansky and his most wonderful staff.
