Bess Myerson, Fighting Cancer


Re: “Bess Myerson, Only Jewish Miss America, Dead at 90” (Jan. 9), it should be
noted that not only did Ms. Myerson helped found the Museum of Jewish
Heritage in New York, but she also donated a significant sum and lent her
celebrity status to support women facing ovarian cancer, which she fought and
survived in 1973.

In the mid-1990s, Ms. Myerson pledged $100,000 to SHARE, a nonprofit support
and educational organization for women facing breast and ovarian cancers, 
enabling us to expand support groups and telephone support for women facing
ovarian cancer. At the time, very few direct services existed for this
population. Ms. Myerson had kept her own experience with ovarian cancer
secret in the 1970s, but became a strong public advocate for those fighting
the disease when she became involved with SHARE.

We at SHARE are deeply indebted to Bess Myerson for her strong commitment to
helping women facing ovarian cancer, a disease that kills over 13,000 women
in the United States annually. In Ms. Myerson’s memory, SHARE is naming the
Bess Myerson Ovarian Cancer Support Fund, to be used exclusively for support
and educational services for people affected by this dreadful disease.

Executive Director, SHARE

