Assessing The Iran Deal


The Iran deal is a done deal. What have we learned, what are our concerns and where do we go from here?

The invective and fear mongering on both sides of the issue has beendisgraceful. 

It is just fear mongering for President Obama to argue that the choices are endorsement of the deal or war. 

AIPAC and other Jewish organizations opposed to the deal, and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, have weakened the bipartisan support for Israel that was the hallmark of U.S.-Israeli relations. 

Much has been made of President Obama’s willingness to make concessions to the Iranians because he sees an agreement with Iran as a major legacy of his term in office. Little has been said about Netanyahu’s legacy. Other than serving as prime minister for a long time, what has Netanyahu accomplished? 

The strong argument for opposing the lifting of sanctions is that it will finance Iranian support for terrorism. Legislation, hopefully bipartisan, is needed to spell out specific sanctions for misbehavior by Iran. The strong argument in favor of the lifting of sanctions is that it keeps Iran from making nuclear weapons for 10-15 years, which is a very long time in today’s Middle East.
