Reich’s ‘Rant’


Seymour Reich has lost all credibility with those of us who support Israel (“Israel’s Assault On Democracy: Time To Speak Out,” Opinion, April 29).

His rant reflects a massive ignorance of reality and the explosion of
worldwide anti-Semitism, much of it under the guise of criticism of Israel. This disease has infected too many of our own college youth, who are quick to
join what appears to be a defense of what appears to be the weak underdog. 

Israel has tried to no avail to offer Palestinians their own state, under Prime Ministers
Barak, Olmert and Sharon. Reich
blames Israel for the so-called occupation. Should Israel withdraw from the
West Bank and watch the Hamas takeover, with more rockets and tunnels?

What evidence is there that the
Palestinians want peace rather than the defeat and ultimate elimination of
Israel? Are the Palestinians willing to change their textbooks which teach
their children that their goal is the destruction of Israel? Is a region
flooded by Hamas, Hezbollah, al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc., ready for a suicidal
withdrawal? There will be a Palestinian state alongside Israel when the
Palestinians have demonstrated that they really want to live in peace. 

Our youth, even some day school graduates, have become afflicted with what
sociologist David Riesman called being “other directed” rather
than “inner directed.” They have joined the prevailing fashionable
criticism of Israel, but with no criticism of the Palestinian failures or
their encouragement of terrorism.

Reich’s comments have the effect of collaboration with the world of Israel
haters. Their cover is that they often claim to be pro-Israel, by which they
mean an Israel that will be formed according to their own image, while
they live here.

