Opposite Experience


I have had the opposite experience of Prof. Hasia Diner (“NYU Prof Spurs Debate Over ‘Distancing,’” Aug. 12). I have been a member of the two largest Reform temples in San Francisco, and have left both because of their pro-Palestinian bias. The senior rabbi at [San Francisco’s] Temple Emanuel last Yom Kippur gave a sermon promoting the position of the board of rabbis that we have a moral obligation to take in Syrian refugees. Meanwhile, this temple has a full-time security guard who sits in front of a locked gate and permits entrance only to those who have an appointment. We no longer have large Israel Independence Day celebrations, as we have had in years past, because of security concerns.

If you read [Caroline Glick’s book] “The Israeli Solution,” you will learn that Israel’s biggest mistake has been to allow the concept of occupied territories to become the accepted paradigm when in fact Judea and Samaria are legally a part of the land of Israel.

