Needed: #Watchout Movement


Your editorial, “Taking a Stand on Gun Laws” (Feb. 23), quotes Abraham Joshua Heschel as saying “in a free society, some are guilty, but all are responsible.” Millions of weapons are already out there and can be traded. One factor which hasn’t attracted enough attention is the enhanced sharing of information between agencies concerning troubled individuals who signal danger. Several shootings have involved people who were known to be potential killers. Privacy laws may hinder public safety and should be modified to accommodate an emergency. The number of mass shootings at schools has reached that point.

The #MeToo movement has given space to sexual abuse, advanced by individuals through the internet and media. There needs to be a #Watchout movement encouraging witnesses of threatening behavior to come forward with information before it becomes too late. Potentially violent behavior should be reported and disseminated before it is too late. This is less a privacy issue than an issue of public safety.

Beachwood, Ohio
