They were showing the flag a lot in Israel this week. And a lot of flags.
Preceded by Yom HaZikaron, the annual day of remembrance for the soldiers who have fallen in Israel’s defense, Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel Independence Day, marked the country’s 60th birthday.
There were fireworks and torch lightings, concerts and speeches, a bike race and Bedouin festival, TV documentaries and parachute shows.
And it all began with the raising of the state flag at Mount Herzl.
Throughout the country, Israelis showed their pride by showing the colors — in this case, white and sky blue. Some flags came as gifts with Israeli newspapers.
There were small flags. The Magen David served as a decoration for a Yom Ha’Atzmaut celebration, below left, hosted by the Nefesh B’Nefesh aliyah organization for 140 of its newest sabras, babies born within the last year to Nefesh B’Nefesh newcomers.
And more flags. An Israeli vendor, below center, displays the flags for sale to bypassing motorists in Tel Aviv.
And big flags. A flag described as the world’s largest was unveiled along the Jerusalem-Tel Aviv Highway, above, unfurled by groups of students. Measuring 2,165 feet by 330 feet and weighing 5.7 tons, the flag, produced by a Filipino Evangelical Christian, was displayed alongside a highway that leads into the capital.
And virtual flags. An illuminated flag on the side of the Azriela Towers brigthens up the Tel Aviv skyline, below right.
Only one fact threatened to damper Israel’s national flag waving — the Israeli Manufacturers Association reported that most of the flags hung this week from homes, businesses and cars were imported from China.
A Banner Week For Israel