Every Jew Is Precious

I am disappointed to be reading of the opposition of Jewish day schools to “special-needs students”  (June 11). My son attended a Jewish day school from the third through 12th grade, and graduated in 2005. When he was in the fifth grade, he was diagnosed with a learning disability. Getting him the services he needed […]


I am disappointed to be reading of the opposition of Jewish day schools to “special-needs students”  (June 11). My son attended a Jewish day school from the third through 12th grade, and graduated in 2005. When he was in the fifth grade, he was diagnosed with a learning disability. Getting him the services he needed from a private school was a battle, but we fought it because we recognized the value of a comprehensive Jewish education. 

Every Jew is precious to our community, and every person has a gift from which others may benefit. Resources are indeed limited, but a high-quality education must include not only subject matter but also qualities of compassion and empathy. The only special needs I see are the lack of these by the administrators of the Manhattan Day School. 

Thank you to the Cohen family for their gift of training to Yeshiva Chovevei Torah. The effects are sure to trickle down. My support goes to the Samuels family. May they continue to keep fighting this worthwhile fight. Our children should not be insulated from those who may teach them about patience, perseverance and humanity.   

Obviously, the students at the Manhattan Day School are not learning these lessons from the administration.


