Need For Civility


I agree 100 percent with Gary Rosenblatt’s column, “When The Dialogue Deteriorates” (Aug. 27).

Venom, vitriol and vituperation have no place in the letters section of a newspaper. I am thankful that The Jewish Week’s staff weeds out these letters.

I find the letters that do make it into the paper to be uniformly of good and often high quality. Indeed, the first thing I turn to when the paper comes is the letters section.

Rosenblatt is also to be congratulated for filling his space with letters on those rare occasions when he doesn’t write a column.

The July 30 issue’s letters section was especially good. It started with Mem Bernstein’s beautifully written advocacy of day schools. The Aug. 27 edition contains Richards Schwartz’s letter taking vehement exception to David Freund’s letter in a previous issue. This prompts me to suggest that The Jewish Week ask some of its letter writers to write opinion articles.

I would like to see the Schwartz-Freund dispute turn into dialogue via the pages of The Jewish Week.
