Same-Sex Union Announcements


Gary Rosenblatt provided a measured and thoughtful response to the controversy in Bergen County, N.J., surrounding the publication of a same-sex marriage announcement in a local Jewish newspaper (“Tolerance, Tradition Collide in Same-Sex Union Row,” Oct. 15).

Unfortunately, homosexuality has become so politicized that it has forced individuals to take specific positions on the subject for fear of being branded a certain way, instead of allowing them to logically look at the facts and arrive at a reasonable decision.

With respect to the same-sex marriage announcement, I think it’s critical to note two important points:
First, just because you are against same-sex marriage because you believe it’s antithetical to Torah values doesn’t necessarily mean you must be against a Jewish newspaper printing an announcement of a gay marriage if the publication is legitimately serving the needs of the broader community by doing so.
Second, just because you are against a Jewish newspaper printing an announcement for a same-sex marriage because it offends a community’s sensibilities doesn’t necessarily mean that you are homophobic or discriminating against the gay population.

Stamford, Conn.
