Gingrich Pandering


Newt Gingrich’s claim regarding a reversal of Mideast policy calling Palestinians an “invented” people and opposing a two-state solution, all of which contradict the views of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the majority of the Israeli people, are clearly aimed at securing the vote of American Jewry in the coming presidential election (Editorial, “Truth And (No) Consequences,” Dec. 16).

Gingrich fails to understand the majority of American Jewry supports a two-state solution and that what he is doing is pandering to the extreme right-wing Orthodox vote.  His position is not simply wrong, but it is extremely harmful to Jews not just in Israel, but worldwide. Any segment of American Jewry buying into Gingrich’s position should be aware they are supporting a man whose inflammatory views make him not a friend but in fact an enemy of Jews.

Flushing, Queens

