Contradictory Policies

“See You At The Parade” (Editorial, June 1) compliments the organizers for “fending off critics from the right and left who weigh in on who they feel should and should not be marching.” Not exactly. The real issue is not “different points of view,” but contradictory community policies as to how to deal with Jews […]


“See You At The Parade” (Editorial, June 1) compliments the organizers for “fending off critics from the right and left who weigh in on who they feel should and should not be marching.” Not exactly.

The real issue is not “different points of view,” but contradictory community policies as to how to deal with Jews who practice and/or support Boycott Divestment and Sanctions against Israel. (BDS).

While one arm of our national communal system, the Jewish Council on Public Affairs (JCPA), conducts a multimillion dollar campaign through its Israel Action Center to combat BDS, another arm, the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York, invited to march in the parade organizations who actually practice and/or support BDS.

How can we expect our youth to have a strong attachment to Israel if we send them such contradictory messages about our own commitment and our own willingness to confront Israel’s delegitimizers, even if they are (well connected) Jews?


Editor’s Note: JCRC responds:“All of the participating groups in the Parade support Israel as a secure, Jewish and democratic state and oppose the global BDS movement.”
