A New ‘Up’ Cycle


The comprehensive column by Gary Rosenblatt about the new Lincoln Square Synagogue building (“Lincoln Square Gamble: If You Build It, Will They Come?” Jan. 4) interested me greatly. I have had the privilege of serving as the LSS chazzan for the past 47 years, through all its periods of “heyday” and “decline.” Yes, we are no longer a banner “singles” shul, but we have rather morphed into an active “family” shul. Every strong movement has its cycle of ups and downs, and it is my opinion — based on past experience — that we are at the beginning of a new “up” cycle, a cycle that will be ignited by our new building.

After 47 years, I remain fully confident that the next 48 years of the new LSS will be years of ascendency, with God’s help.

Lincoln Square Synagogue Manhattan
