Court Awards $3.5 Million In Abuse Case


A Jewish gay activist who sued his cousin for allegedly molesting him for several years has been awarded $3.5 million in Brooklyn Supreme Court, according to the Daily News.

Chaim Levin alleged that, starting when he was 6 years old, he was repeatedly molested by his first cousin Sholom Eichler at various locations in Crown Heights and at an upstate bungalow.

The court ordered Eichler to pay Levin $1 million for pain and suffering and $2.5 million for future pain and suffering. The alleged abuser, whose family owns Brooklyn’s largest Judaica store, did not dispute the charges against him and moved to Israel shortly after the lawsuit was filed.

The Daily News also reported that Israeli prosecutors are looking into allegations that Eichler molested Levin during a family trip to Jerusalem in 1999.
