JTA And MyJewishLearning Announce Intention To Merge


JTA and My Jewish Learning announced their intention to merge the two organizations, according to an article on JTA’s website.

The JTA website attracts about 300,000 unique visitors per month and syndicates its content to nearly 80 Jewish and Israeli newspapers and websites, the article said.

My Jewish Learning publishes two websites, MyJewishLearning.com and Kveller.com, a Jewish parenting website, and TheJewniverse.com, a spinoff of its daily email.

According to the article, the organizations’ boards have spent several months exploring the merger and are signing a non-binding letter of intent to move forward. JTA’s CEO and editor in chief, Ami Eden, will be CEO and executive editor of the combined organization; Meredith Lewis, the director of operations of MyJewishLearning, will be the new organization’s chief operating officer.

JTA and MJL plan to execute a definitive merger agreement later this year, when additional details about the new organization will be announced, the article reported.

