With a blizzard approaching Greater New York last week, and a “snow day” off from school announced for Friday, Yael Buechler, rabbi in residence at the Lower School at Schechter Westchester, wanted to ensure that the students who still have an authentic erev Shabbat experience. She decided on challah baking.
With little time to spare on Thursday, the rabbi, who made a snowman-shaped challah, tracked down hundreds of yeast packets at local supermarkets, and sent each student home with the packets stapled to challah recipes and instructions for the traditional separation of a small piece of dough that is burned separately.
Many of the Schechter students spent part of Friday making challot with their parents, and they photographed the finished products.
“This erev Shabbat snow day activity is something that can be replicated in day schools and synagogues across Amaerica,” Rabbi Buechler says. “I recommend stocking up on yeast in advance.”