Opposes New Israel Fund, But…

There has been much ado once again about the inclusion of the New Israel Fund (NIF) and affiliates in the Salute to Israel Parade, taking place May 31. This year, the parade requires that participants disavow BDS. NIF’s  website states: “NIF will not fund global BDS activities against Israel nor support organizations that have global […]


There has been much ado once again about the inclusion of the New Israel Fund (NIF) and affiliates in the Salute to Israel Parade, taking place May 31. This year, the parade requires that participants disavow BDS.

NIF’s  website states:

“NIF will not fund global BDS activities against Israel nor support organizations that have global BDS programs. However, NIF opposes the occupation and subsequent settlement activities. NIF will thus not exclude support for organizations that discourage the purchase of goods or use of services from settlements.”

So by their own admission NIF supports BDS of products from Judea and Samaria. Furthermore, Shatil, the NIF Initiative for Social Changes, is a platform for organizations that support the BDS campaign. And NIF has provided funding to NGOs that actively advocate BDS. Furthermore, NIF backed NGOs like Adallah and Breaking the Silence, which are responsible for the UN investigation of Israel for alleged war crimes in Gaza this past summer. In my view, NIF is not a pro-Israel organization and has no place in a pro-Israel parade.

That said, I fully support the parade despite the participation of NIF. It is the largest pro-Israel event in the world. The parade’s demonstration of support for Israel is noticed in Washington, D.C. and contributes to vital congressional support of Israel. The parade is the most unifying Israel event in any Jewish community anywhere in the world.

JCC Watch in its publicity has falsely accused UJA-Federation of New York of funding NIF. UJA does not give one penny to the NIF or its pro-BDS affiliates. Furthermore, JCC Watch has maligned the Jewish Community Relations Council and UJA-Federation, two vital organizations that unify all streams of Jews to work for Israel and the Jewish people.

Young Israel of Woodmere Woodmere, L.I.

