Windows Better Off Where They Are

Regarding “The Mystery Of The Missing Stained Glass Windows” (April 3), I have been a citizen of Mahanoy City, Pa., for 67 years
now, and I knew just about all of the Jewish families that lived here. They were all wonderful
people. But I must say this: The worst thing they could do
is put those windows back […]


Regarding “The Mystery Of The Missing Stained Glass Windows” (April 3), I have been a citizen of Mahanoy City, Pa., for 67 years
now, and I knew just about all of the Jewish families that lived here. They were all wonderful
people. But I must say this: The worst thing they could do
is put those windows back in [Beth Israel, the synagogue from which they were removed]. Because now they have made public the
value of the windows.

The crime in this town is very bad. Copper pipes are being stolen out of houses, right and left. A house right down from where I live was
broken into recently. It’s terrible.

I am so glad the [Etz Chaim] synagogue [in Long Island] took the windows
because if they hadn’t, they would either be smashed or stolen. And now
that their value has been made public, to put them back in [Beth Israel] would be foolish, I
think. I wish Mr. [Melvyn] Freid [who has been seeking the return of the windows] would think it
over. I understand how he feels. I remember how beautiful they looked. I
remember so many things from way back then.

Mahanoy City, Pa.

