Israeli Company Turns Your Latte Into Art


The Israeli-created Ripples coffee maker is changing the way you get caffeine.

Using technology called a “foam printer,” Ripples coffee maker employs 3D printing mechanics combined with ink-jet coffee extract to create personalized foam patterns that appear atop coffee within seconds.

Among the hundreds of pre-designed prints that can be selected from the Ripples coffee maker’s touchscreen include greetings such as “Happy Birthday,” symbols and smiley faces.

“With Ripples, you don’t just get coffee, you get a piece of artwork,” Yossi Meshulam, the CEO of Steam CC, the company responsible for the device, told the Times of Israel.

Coffee lovers also have the option to create their own original Ripples prints. With the help of an accompanying app, users can upload images and phrases to personal machines or to a general Ripples library.

Ripples was launched in the U.S. at a consumer electronics show in New York. Since then companies have expressed interest in customizing the designs to create brand awareness for the businesses.

Among those interested in Ripples is airline company Lufthansa, who recently made an agreement with Steam CC in order to use the device in its first-class and business lounges.

While much excitement has generated around Ripples, it won’t begin shipping until September. At that time, consumers can purchase the device for $999 and a subscription to its service for $75 a month, for library usage, maintenance, and pods of coffee extract.
