No Intellectual Wasteland


Regarding “Yeshiva Reformers Brace For Fight As Cause Catches On” (Sept. 11): Yeshivas aren’t intellectual wastelands. Talmud study is highly challenging
and builds the brain like nothing else. That’s why Koreans, who have no
interest in converting to Judaism, teach it to their children.

The average
young yeshiva graduate has an extremely fit brain and relatively little
trouble catching onto math, English and other secular studies.
Years ago, I attended law school together with several yeshiva students. Most
of them graduated at the top of our class even though they devoted
considerably less time to their studies than the rest of us because of their
strong Talmud-trained brains.

As to so-called chasidic poverty, it is very costly to raise eight or 10 or
more children, especially if you insist on private schools and kosher food. It’s amazing that they can do it at all.

