Dishonoring Rabin’s Legacy


Even as we commemorate the tragic assassination of Yitzchak Rabin while he pursued the “Oslo peace process,” we must be vigilant against those who continue to distort his legacy (“Two Decades Later, What If Rabin Had Lived?” Oct. 30).

Rabin did not support, but opposed, the two-state solution, which has nevertheless been turned into conventional wisdom, because as a seasoned general he simply did not trust Yasir Arafat and the Palestinians. Rabin’s last words to the Knesset called for Palestinian autonomy, natural growth of settlements, no return to the 1967 lines and other steps, which are essentially today’s Israeli policies – designed to manage the situation.    

Abbas’ abrogation of the Oslo peace process at the UN, recent “admission” that the Israeli “occupation” has lasted for 67 years (i.e. starting in 1947, not 1967) and his Big Lies about the Temple Mount, which incite Palestinian terrorism, once again validate the caution of the martyred Rabin in opposing a Palestinian state. The unfortunate reality is that in serving their own political and/or personal agendas, those who continue to cite Rabin to promote the ideal two-state solution are distorting his policies and dishonoring his legacy. 

