Call Out Blumenthal

In “Israel-Firsters Seen Edging Toward Trump” (July 1), Gary Rosenblatt points out a legitimate concern for Israel supporters regarding Hillary Clinton’s candidacy — her willing acceptance of the “rabidly anti-Zionist writings of Max Blumenthal,” sent through his father, Sidney, a trusted advisor. Max Blumenthal’s latest outrage is on the public record: “Elie Wiesel went from […]


In “Israel-Firsters Seen Edging Toward Trump” (July 1), Gary Rosenblatt points out a legitimate concern for Israel supporters regarding Hillary Clinton’s candidacy — her willing acceptance of the “rabidly anti-Zionist writings of Max Blumenthal,” sent through his father, Sidney, a trusted advisor.

Max Blumenthal’s latest outrage is on the public record: “Elie Wiesel went from a victim of war crimes to a supporter of those who commit them,” he wrote this weekend. “He did more harm than good and should not be honored.”

Clinton should be asked to publicly reject Max Blumenthal’s hate speech on Israel — all of it, and instead honor the “conscience of the world,” Elie Wiesel, and his vision.


