Since he’s incapable of a sustained, coherent thought about anything, and often contradicts himself in the same sentence, how can anyone trust Donald Trump to support Israel (Israel-Firsters Seen Edging Toward Trump,” July 1)?
Flattered by Vladimir Putin, his astute analysis of Putin was that he’s “very nice.” North Korea has spoken favorably of Trump. What if Kim Jung Un or a leader of al Qaeda tells Trump he’s handsome? The thin-skinned, emotionally unstable Trump will swoon. Incapable of introspection, ignorant of history, he has wondered aloud if Barack Obama colluded or sympathized with jihadists, looks the other way at the legions of neo-Nazis who adore him and has never apologized for ridiculing John McCain’s heroism.
A man who has left a trail of financial malfeasance, who mocks the disabled, fears and hates a free press and has the integrity of a snake oil salesman, is not someone we can trust to guarantee the safety of America, Israel and the free world.