I write in response to Jonathan Mark’s column (“Jews for Trump: Shh! Don’t Tell!” July 22).
The sub-headline implies that Jews who support Trump do so in secret because they fear being shamed “from the left.” Political leanings are irrelevant. Wall Street Journal columnist Bret Stephens, never accused of being “from the left,” correctly characterizes Trump’s second-natured ability to tell lies as being “postmodern, in that they have no connection to a foundational concept of truth.”
Trump’s failings include being accused of discrimination against blacks in real estate and employment, and of making racist statements against Mexicans and Muslims. Trump has utterly failed in character.
Perhaps, Jewish supporters take solace in that they are not the recipients of his repulsive rants.
Trump also fails in policy. He advocates withdrawing from the world — in trade deals with our partners (e.g., NAFTA), immigration, and global security (e.g., NATO). Perhaps supporters think Israel will be an exception since Trump has not lashed out against Jews personally or Israel in particular. They are wrong. Trump’s policies are bad for Israel and its security. He is bad for the United States. He is bad for the world. That is the reason Jews who support Trump do so in secret. Since his apparent raison d’être is to espouse nativist, xenophobic, anti-Muslim and anti-other rhetoric and policies, Jewish supporters do so in secret to avoid being labeled with these unpopular qualities.