Shalom and yassou! Last Sunday’s third annual Greek Jewish Festival brought hundreds of people to Broome Street in the Lower East Side for kosher bourekas, bouzouki music, and arm-in-arm dancing. Organized by Kehila Kedosha Janina Synagogue and Museum, a landmark site, the festival was also an opportunity to visit the synagogue and learn about its 2300-year-old heritage as the congregation of the ancient Romaniote community. And as a lingering reminder, there were also henna tattoos and Ladino music CDs.
Harry D. Wall has a long career in journalism, advocacy and consulting. Most recently, he has taken a late-career move and began making documentary films about Jewish heritage and communities around the globe. His blog, Jewish Discoveries, is a travelogue of Jewish heritage and contemporary life around the world. You can keep up to date with his travels on the blog or