Calling All Clergy: Quick Survey On Inclusion


If you’re a faith community leader (of any kind), or you know one, would you mind taking 5 minutes and filling out this survey (or asking them to)?

I am collecting perspectives on including children with disabilities in faith communities and I could use your voice. We know how helpful faith communities can be for families’ spiritual, emotional, and mental health, especially for families of a child with a disability or diagnosis.

Unfortunately, faith communities sometimes aren’t the most welcoming places. We want to hear from you so we can add clergy voices to this incredibly important conversation. You don’t have to have any prior experience or knowledge on this topic; your honest perspective is all that’s needed. Head to to complete it.

Jared Stewart-Ginsburg is a Florida-raised, outdoors-loving North Carolinian who accidentally fell in love with teaching. He taught elementary school before going back to grad school to study early childhood mental health and how faith communities can more fully include and empower children with disabilities and their families.
