Episode 6: Layah Kranz Lipsker On Chasidic Feminism And Combatting Get Refusal


In this episode of The Chutzpah Podcast, we meet chasidic activist — and feminist — Layah Kranz Lipsker. An outspoken advocate for women navigating their way out of lapsed Orthodox marriages, Lipsker is the founder of GetYourGet.com, an initiative that aims to educate women about the often-entangled Orthodox divorce, or get, process. Lipsker is also the director of the Boston Agunah Taskforce, a project that advocates for women seeking a Jewish divorce, an (unconventional) rebbetzin and a mother of six. Tune in for a frank conversation about the tremendous challenges, and hard-earned triumphs, of a committed, tenacious and often-conflicted Orthodox feminist.

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