Krembo Wings Youth Movement Chosen As Special Advisor To The UN

The Israeli youth movement for children with and without disabilities has been recognized as a world leader in inclusion.


The United Nations has chosen Krembo Wings, a youth movement for children with and without disabilities, as a special advisor organization, recognizing the youth movement as a world leader in integrating children and youth with and without disabilities in empowering social activities.

The status of the Special Advisor to the United Nations (ECOSOC) gives the movement special recognition of the importance of its work in Israel and around the world.

Krembo Wings, established 16 years ago, has developed an innovative and unique inclusive model that integrates children with severe disabilities with able-bodied youth.

The movement operates 65 branches throughout Israel, from Eilat to Kiryat Shmona and welcomes more than 6,000 active members each week. Krembo Wings operates branches in Druze, Muslim, Christian and Bedouin communities, where acceptance and inclusion of all abilities is the guiding principle. Krembo Wings branches provide a safe and judgment-free environment for youth.

Nir Brunstein, Krembo Wings’ Chairman of the Board said: “I am excited by the fact that the United Nations has given international recognition for the extraordinary activities of Krembo Wings. I am proud of the management team and professional staff of the movement and especially proud of the thousands of children and youth whose important work has won respected international recognition. I admit I am also very concerned about the 3,000 children and youth with special needs, and their families who are still waiting for the opening of new Krembo Wings branches so they too can join the activities. We will do everything to speed up the process despite the many obstacles and economic challenges we face. ”

Talia Bejerano, Krembo Wings CEO, adds: “The unique international status that the movement has received from the UN will enable Krembo Wings to raise awareness of the rights of young people with disabilities in Israel and around the world to a fulfilling social life. This recognition will enable us to expand and spread throughout the world Krembo Wings’ unique concept of integration as well as our vision: ‘Together creating a meaningful place for everyone'”.

About Krembo Wings: Krembo Wings welcomes children and youth of all types of disabilities (ranging from mild to severe) between the ages of 7 to 22, in 65 branches throughout Israel. The movement is a reflection of Israeli society and includes Jewish children and youth (secular and religious), Muslims, Christians, Bedouins, Druze, new immigrants and more. At Krembo Wings, children and youth of all abilities, of all religions, communities and cultures, meet and live a life of unity where they learn about and openly accept one another’s capabilities, abilities and beliefs. Krembo Wings youth are leading a revolution society towards a more accepting, inclusive and tolerant Israeli society.

For further information, please contact Merav Boaz (Boozy), Senior VP: Mobile – 052-4237526, Email –
