IfNotNow Coverage


One of the premier accomplishments of the soon-to-retire Jewish Week storied editor and publisher, Gary Rosenblatt, has been his educational/advocacy program, Write On For Israel, which has prepared hundreds of high school students for the campus attacks on Israel.

So, why does the same Jewish Week continue to provide prominent coverage to the radical non-Zionist IfNotNow organization, exactly the publicity that the radicals who are turning our precious youth against Israel crave (“IfNotNow Heading To New Hampshire,” July 5)? The article was accompanied by a photo of eight members of IfNotNow with the severe Israel critic Bernie Sanders.

The repugnant Feb. 15 story, “Progressives Come to Omar’s Defense, With Challah,” provided sympathy plus invaluable publicity for IfNotNow’s disgraceful support of Rep. Ilhan Omar’s Israel-based anti-Semitism and was a slap in the face of the Jewish community.

Similar coverage and publicity was given to IfNotNow’s destructive antics against Birthright Israel, including shutting down Third Avenue and disrupting a Birthright mission.

The Jewish Week’s aiding enemies of our precious and vulnerable Jewish state, an unfortunate part of Rosenblatt’s legacy, must cease, immediately.

New York City
