Tasered student may perform at Hillel

A Jewish student at the University of Florida who gained national fame for being Tasered may perform with Hillel.


A Jewish student at the University of Florida who gained national fame for being Tasered may perform with Hillel.

Andrew Meyer, who was forcibly subdued Tuesday during a speech by U.S. Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), was seen performing recently by two Florida Hillel staffers, Rabbi Yoni Kaiser-Blueth told JTA, and Meyer has been considered for a performance at an upcoming Hillel open-mic event.

In the wake of the Taser episode Kaiser-Blueth, the Florida Hillel’s associate director of Jewish student life, said his staff had yet to discuss whether Meyer would still be considered. He reportedly was arrested on charges of resisting an officer and disturbing the peace, and released on his own recognizance.

Meyer, an aspiring journalist, was “nominally affiliated” with the campus Jewish group, Kaiser-Blueth said. He is also a contributing writer for the campus Jewish newspaper, The Shpiel.

Kaiser-Blueth said Hillel was trying to reach out to Meyer, but was having little luck reaching him.

“CNN is a little more pressing than the local Hillel here,” Kaiser-Blueth said.

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