Pope responds to Jewish students on Darfur

Pope Benedict XVI responded to Jewish students’ concerns about the atrocities in Darfur.


Pope Benedict XVI responded to Jewish students’ concerns about the atrocities in Darfur.

In a Sept.13 letter to the European Union of Jewish Students, Papal Assessor Monsignor Gabriele Caccia wrote that the pope “appreciates the concerns which prompted you to write to him” and intended to “raise the matter directly in his meeting with [Sudanese] President al-Bashir.” That meeting took place earlier in September.

The letter was released Sept. 21 by the students’ union. It followed the pontiff’s meeting with a delegation of Jewish students from 30 countries during the union’s 24th annual Summer University in August, at which the students handed the pope a letter expressing their concerns about the situation in Darfur.

The union represents 200,000 Jewish students across Europe.

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