Chabad’s Presence And Motives


When the Orthodox community in Oceanside, or in fact anywhere, is committed to providing only minimal Jewish education in the name of “love” of Judaism, then the future of our people is doomed (“Chabad Presence Making Waves In Oceanside,” Feb. 12). 

I was educational director at the Oceanside Jewish Center (Conservative) for 19 years. We encouraged attendance in religious school following the bar/bat mitzvah and kvelled about those students who continued on in a Hebrew high school program. 

Although there were always a few families who endeavored to shorten the number of required hours of attendance, we were proud to steadfastly adhere to a minimum standard of six hours. Finances were always an issue, but since when should Jewish families not support the synagogue of their choice financially?
So what is the real agenda at Chabad and Young Israel? I can’t fathom that their leaders really think that they are doing our people and our future a big favor by offering a two-hour weekly education for a year or so. Perhaps it is their lack of respect for Reform and Conservative Judaism that suggests that their agenda is to close down their congregation schools (and thereby the synagogues). Or has the Jewish community of Oceanside simply decided to prioritize their Jewish values by minimalizing any possibility for Jewish continuity while focusing on convenience?

Oceanside, L.I.
