Groups: Rebuke Libyan envoy for Nazi comments

Jewish and international groups called on the U.N. secretary-general to rebuke the Libyan envoy, who currently leads the General Assembly, for likening Israel to Nazis.


WASHINGTON (JTA) — Jewish and international groups called on the U.N. secretary-general to rebuke the Libyan envoy, who currently leads the General Assembly, for likening Israel to Nazis.

Ali Abdussalam Treki’s "comments are an outrage, a blight upon the United Nations and his high office, and an impediment to historical truth and to peace," B’nai B’rith International President Dennis Glick and Executive Vice President Daniel Mariaschin wrote in a May 18 letter to Ban Ki-moon.

Treki, elected last June to the General Assemby presidency for a one-year term, told Syrian television recently that Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip, controlled by the Hamas terrorist group, "is worse than the camps of the Nazis in the past."

"Will Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon follow in the footsteps of his distinguished predecessor and speak out against this man who called for exterminating the Jewish people and who now falsely accuses the Jewish State of responsibility for death camps in Gaza worse than those of the Nazis, where Hamas, not Israel, rules with an iron hand?" Harris Schoenberg, president of the U.N. Reform Advocates organization, asked in a statement issued last week. 

Libya’s Permanent Representative at the United Nations in the 1980s, Treiki, was well known for his Nazi-like anti-Semitic diatribes, according to U.N. Reform Advocates.

For example, on Dec. 8, 1983, on the eve of the 35th anniversary of the adoption of the Genocide Convention, Treiki echoed the language of chief Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels when he asked the delegates in the General Assembly, "Is it not the Jews who are exploiting the American people and trying to debase them? If we succeed in eliminating that entity, we shall by the same token save the American and European peoples."

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