Agunah Problem


Regarding “A Way To Solve The Agunah Problem,” (Opinion, Sept 21), I am a little surprised that the authors did not mention the Rabbinical Council of America’s halachically correct and widely accepted pre-nuptial agreement created by Rabbi Mordechai Willig of Riverdale.

It dates back to the early 1990s and serves the exact function described in this article. Many Orthodox rabbis will not perform a marriage without having this document signed by the chassan [groom].

There is no need to reinvent the wheel in this case.

Editor’s Note: We are both right, Mr. Volaski. As you note, Al Jolson acted the role and sang the Kol Nidre in the film, but the Warner Brothers production included a scene of Cantor Rosenblatt, as himself, singing a poignant, secular Yiddish song.
