Alsace graveyard to become ‘interactive’

A French historical association plans to turn a graveyard near Strasbourg into France’s first “interactive Jewish cemetery.”


(JTA) –A French historical association plans to turn a graveyard near Strasbourg into France’s first “interactive Jewish cemetery.”

The Com’Est association said that visitors would soon be able to scan barcodes next to the Judengarten Jewish cemetery in the town of Mackenheim, allowing them to access a database containing historical facts about each person buried in the cemetery and Judengarten in general.

One of the oldest Jewish cemeteries of the Alsace region in eastern France, Judengarten has graves dating back to 1669, according to L’Alsace, a local newspaper. The historical association said it already has designed the website that would service the visitors.

Gil Huttenmeister, a historian at the University of Tubingen, has researched and translated approximately 400 headstones, according to an article about the project that appeared last week in L’Alsace.

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