Applauds Free Speech


I am writing to say yasher koach (congratulations) to The Jewish Week for publishing Peter Geffen’s Opinion piece “In Support of My B’nai Jeshurun Rabbis” (Dec. 21). It was a much-needed piece.

I too have experienced recent unfortunate attempts at control of free speech in the American Jewish community on a recent speaking tour, which were very disturbing.

Mr. Geffen calls his rabbis “dreamers” in a positive sense. I too have been “accused” of this many times. But we need to keep the hope of peace alive. Too many people in the diaspora are too quick to support the ongoing conflict. They seem to love wars (as long as we fight them here in Israel). We need to think out of the box now and not just limit ourselves to one way of thinking. This is essential — for us, our children and our grandchildren.

In Israel, you can read almost every point of view on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict every day in our newspapers. Such free speech also should be encouraged and applauded in the American Jewish community.

The statement by the B’nai Jeshurun rabbis and the Opinion piece by Peter Geffen are steps in the right direction.

Director, the Interreligious Coordinating Council in Israel
