‘Incitement’ spurred vandalism of Beersheva haredi school, Shas chief says

Hate graffiti and swastikas painted on a haredi Orthodox school in Beersheva is the result of “incitement against the haredi Orthodox,” Shas party leader Eli Yishai said.


JERUSALEM (JTA) — Hate graffiti and swastikas painted on a haredi Orthodox school in Beersheva is the result of “incitement against the haredi Orthodox,” Shas party leader Eli Yishai said.

The vandalism at the entrance to the school was discovered Wednesday.

In response Deri, who heads the Sephardic Orthodox Shas, wrote on his Facebook page, “The public atmosphere against the haredi public and Torah students has gotten out of control and actually encourages harassment of the haredi Orthodox public.”

Yishai called on police to find the vandals and cautioned politicians that their actions have consequences.

The haredi community has been under fire over the drafting of yeshiva students into the army. A Knesset committee is working to prepare a universal draft law for its second and third reading in the full parliament that would drastically reduce the number of deferments for yeshiva students.

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