Liberators’ Trauma


 I applaud your article, “Liberators’ PTSD Now Coming Into Sharper View” (June 6), discussing the much overlooked trauma of
the WWII liberators of the Nazi concentration camps.

My 2011 book, “Gated
Grief: The Daughter of a GI Concentration Camp Liberator,” was the first to
discuss at length the trauma that followed the American liberators home and
how it shaped not only their postwar lives but those of their children. There
are many implications to the fact that, according to my own calculations, over 300,000 Americans GIs
witnessed the camps. It is important that children of these liberators
recognize the role their veteran parents played in liberating the prisoners
of the camps and how the trauma became a part of their own psyches. We
children of liberators can and must be part of the next generation to carry
forward our parents’ testimony.

