New Agunah Court


I believe that the quotations in my name regarding the religious court of Rav Simcha Krauss did not truly express my position (“New Court Set To Free Agunot,” Nov. 21). 

I greatly applaud the establishment of the International Beit Din and its desire to find solutions to the problem of the agunah, the woman whose husband refuses to give her a get (divorce). Fortunately, there exists within the Talmud ways to resolve this issue, but tragically, our contemporary rabbis have thus far not found the ways to do so. I suggested in the past the right of the beit din to abrogate a marriage; Rav Krauss suggests a get zikuy (annulling a marriage). However it is done, it is crucial to find a solution. As long as we tarry to do so, we bring disgrace upon the righteous laws of our Torah and the desecration of the compassionate God of Israel.

Chief Rabbi Efrat, Israel
