Ron Paul fans unveil Jewish vote plan


Given Ron Paul’s bad press in recent weeks, it’s hard to imagine the GOP hopeful expanding his tiny, albeit enthusiastic, base of Jewish support. But the self-described Paulunteers have a new plan for winning over the Jews. Here are the Paul camp’s Jewish talking points:

Let’s spread the message far and wide.

Our politicians cannot claim to be “supporters of Israel” while they continue to finance Israel’s enemies three fold with OUR tax money.

Our politicians cannot continue to brand themselves as “friends of Israel” while undermining Israel’s right to defend itself when it so chooses.

Our politicians must have basic foresight and recognize the concept of “blowback”— that selling weapons to terrorist nations will come back to haunt both us and Israel.

Enough is enough… Let’s spread the word about a new type of politician. A man in Washington that stood up for Israel when no one else would. A man that as president can transform the reality in the Middle East and… That man is Ron Paul.

Click here to see the flier that Ron Paul’s Jewish fans are distributing.

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