PA denies reports of Abbas’ poor health

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is in good health, his spokesman said following reports that he is seriously ill.


JERUSALEM (JTA) — Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is in good health, his spokesman said following reports that he is seriously ill.

The London-based Arabic daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi reported Tuesday that Abbas has been admitted to a hospital in Amman, Jordan, six times over the past three months and that the hospital wing was closed each time. Palestinian officials have denied the report.

Abbas, 75, reportedly has a heart condition. He was hospitalized last month in Amman after reportedly falling in either his home or his hotel room.

Abbas has been the PA president since 2005. His term has officially expired, but it was extended by the Palestine Liberation Organization as Abbas’ Fatah party and Hamas try to reconcile. Abbas has no clear Fatah successor.

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