Applauds Netanyahu


Regarding Gary Rosenblatt’s perspective in “Bibi Opts For Confrontation” (May 27), I respectfully reject his criticism that Bibi was “too quick to assert that Israel could never abide by the pre-1967 borders, so quick, in fact, that he appears to the world as the primary stumbling block to progress.” It is true that many will choose to believe that and it is also true that it is important that the prime minister foster a good relationship with President Barack Obama — but not at any price.

I applaud Netanyahu for taking this stand. The prime ministers of Israel have tried to be politically correct and to ingratiate themselves to the demands of the U.S. and the European Union.

Rosenblatt attributes Netanyahu’s stand to pandering to Israel’s right-wing constituency. However, if you look back at the circumstances at the time when Prime Ministers Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert offered their very generous concessions to the Palestinians, it is hard to deny that they were endangering the future of Israel for their own personal political survival. The world did not applaud their suicidal generosity. Nevertheless, we are now paying the price. Even though these offers were rejected by the Arabs, there are powerful forces that want to use these dangerous would-be concessions as a starting point.

Israel has a unique and important role as the homeland of the Jewish people. Its responsibility is to God, its citizens and the Jewish people throughout the world. Israel did not seek the 1967 war. Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria were won by the grace of God and the sacrifices of the Jewish people. There is something gravely wrong and spiritually bankrupt when this history and responsibility are bartered for political approval.

Staten Island
