Bring Woody Allen to Israel (just keep him away from Birthright!)


Rob Eshman, editor and publisher of the L.A. Jewish Journal, is raising money to convince Woody Allen to make a movie in Israel.

To which we say… just keep him away from the Birthright trips!

Back to Rob Eshman…

Here’s this week’s not-so-crazy idea: Let’s all pitch in, just a few dollars each, and fund Woody Allen’s next movie — in Israel.

With the release of his latest film this week, “To Rome With Love,” Woody has hit the interview circuit. One question that keeps coming up is why the filmmaker who once famously declared that there is no good reason to leave Manhattan now makes his movies in London (4), Paris (1), Spain (1) and Rome (1).

“Well,” he told The Wall Street Journal, “the Italians call and say, ‘We’ll pay for it.’ ”

Eshman notes that Woody can make a movie on about $18 million. So, he writes …

As far as I know, Allen himself has never been to Israel. For a man who has done much to define the image of “Jew” in our time, this needs repair. I can’t imagine what will result when Woody Allen meets Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, but then again — that’s why I want to pay to find out.

So, The Jewish Journal has launched a Jewcer page to solicit funding for “The Woody Allen Israel Project.” Everybody who cares about great movies, and about Israel, must give a few dollars. “If only God would give me some clear sign!” Woody once quipped. “Like making a large deposit in my name in a Swiss bank.”

Hey, it’s the least Woody could do after writing that NYT op-ed back in 1988! (Sorry, can’t find it online, but click here and here for some reader response, and here for a Jewish organizational response that’s almost as funny as one of Woody’s stand-up gags.)

Speaking of Woody’s stand-up material… wonder if the Berkowitzs will contirbute to Eshman’s campaign.

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