Yehuda Kurtzer (“When Metaphor Fails,” Opinion, Jan. 3) decries comparisons between Israel’s enemies and Nazi Germany. I suspect that most Jews would be less likely to make such analogies if the other side was not constantly invoking Hitler.
In October, Palestinian Media Watch disclosed that a Palestinian Authority children’s magazine, “Zayzafuna,” published “a list of ten short wisdom sayings that it claimed were said by Hitler.” On Nov. 3, Haaretz reported that Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah “keeps, ‘treasures’ and sometimes shows off a dagger given by Adolf Hitler himself to a visiting Saudi delegation in 1939.” On Nov. 5, Palestinian Arab students at Al Quds University, in Jerusalem, were videotaped giving the Nazi salute at two rallies on campus. On Dec. 7, longtime PLO official Farouk Kaddoumi proudly acknowledged, on Russian TV, that the Palestinian Arabs “were enthusiastic supporters of Germany” during World War II.
Perhaps Yehuda Kurtzer should be directing his message to them, too.
San Rafael, Calif.