Craigslist baby named

Our 10 favorite name suggestions for the Jewish Craigslist baby from New Jersey. Plus, the baby’s real name revealed.


JTA’s exclusive interview with the Jewish father who posted the naming rights to his newborn daughter on Craigslist garnered a lot of buzz.

Before the Craigslist post was flagged for deletion, the child’s parents fielded four offers, the father told JTA on Friday. One offer from Canada seemed particularly promising.

Ultimately, the parents chose the Hebrew name “Rina” — Hebrew for “joy” — independently of the influence of any bidders.

Here are our 10 favorite name suggestions, selected from more than three dozen entries submitted to JTA via social media and Twitter. We’ve kept the original spellings and grammar. (Special thanks to The Star-Ledger and their readers for their suggestions):

  • Shoshana because she has rosebud lips.
  • Anneliese Marie….after Anne Frank.
  • “Uniqua.” Or a Jewish translation to the word “Unique.”
  • helga Weiss she survived the halocaust
  • My Grandmother past away a year ago on the day your baby was born her name was Myra she was everything to me.
  • Zahara Eden!! Her name would literally translate to Shining Delight which I am positive she will be to your family.
  • Ligal Elisheva
  • Yeshara, from the Hebrew root: Yashar – to be straight, to be just, right, direct. It has the root for Yisrael and the word appears many times in the Torah and it also has the letters of Yerushalayim. According to some Rabbis, the Jewish people are referred as “Yeshurun”. See Deuteronomy 33:5. Yeshara has also the root of “song” : Shir HaShirim. May the baby be a blessing to the family, the Jewish people and all humanity.

For more baby naming fun, check out JTA’s coverage of strange baby names in Israel.

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